Consulting, Management and Recruitment

Increasing Knowledge Worldwide

Amplidyne offers a number of dynamic personnel services, including strategic consulting, leadership and management development, as well as recruitment and temporary staffing.

Strategic Consulting

Amplidyne has a proven track record of helping firms develop successful international business strategies. We match your business with seasoned professionals to address your company's needs. With experts in many fields - including construction, finance and accounting, energy, telecommunications, electromechanical engineering and many others - Amplidyne's strategic consulting staff can guide decision making and increase your international presence.

To describe one example, Amplidyne is currently consulting and assisting a prestigious American university to establish a campus in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. When complete, this satellite campus will offer business and other degrees for Middle Eastern students, build the university's global presence, increase its access to developed human capital, and provide global opportunities for educated professionals. Please contact us to find out how Amplidyne's professional consultants can grow your business as well!

Leadership Development

Leadership is not a short-run goal, but a skill which must be cultivated and refined. Amplidyne's leadership development programs from help managers and staff at all levels become change agents in their organizations. Our proven "SMART" leadership program emphasizes five key qualities:
  • Sincerity to inspire trust and honest deliberations
  • Motivation techniques for self and colleagues
  • Action-oriented to move organizations and projects forward
  • Resourcefulness in new opportunities and difficult situations
  • Time management to prioritize goals and achieve objectives
Amplidyne's leadership programs are tailored to accommodate your needs, locations and timeframes. Please contact us for more information on how we can build leadership in your organization.

Recruitment and Temporary Staffing

Amplidyne can help your business recruit top talent for long-term positions, as well as organize specific teams for individual projects. At Amplidyne we make it our business to understand the nuances of every employer's individual need and closely match it with our profile of candidates. Our global network of experts in diverse industries can connect your firm with competent project managers, visionary strategists, timely construction crews, and many other professionals.

Recruiting staff for major projects is our specialty. When the construction of a major American international airport was delayed due to telecommunication problems, Amplidyne provided management, project managers and engineering staff. Within six months Amplidyne had completed the airport's innovative telecommunication and passenger check-in system. Personnel recruited by Amplidyne were eventually hired as full time airport staff. This is only one example of how Amplidyne's recruitment and staffing services have helped our clients. Please contact us to fill your organization's staffing needs.